A selection of some of the more creative digital projects I’ve worked on as producer or product manager/owner. I have also consulted, carried out user research, evaluation and training on a variety of digital projects, for more information see About Me.
Launched November 2019

So proud to be a part of this amazing project. #ItsOurTime set an open challenge to the creative industries and major employers of 18-34 year olds to mobilise young people who care about climate to register to vote in the 2019 UK General Election. I ran the Employers campaign, creating a clear user journey through a tricky offer and putting together all the content that major companies needed to get involved. The result (of our combined efforts)? More than 2.4 million 18-34 year olds registered to vote. Read the report on how we did it.
The National Centre for Computing Education
Beta launched January 2019

3 months from announcement to beta launch for a major new government funded initiative? Sure! With no time to recruit a full-time team, I was recruited as a temporary Senior Product Owner for Raspberry Pi (part of a wider consortium) as we built the website that would deliver teacher CPD, certification, resources and more as part of an ambitious programme to support Computing teachers. It was a challenge. You can read more about our methods and how we tried to keep the focus on the user in this blog post I wrote for launch.
The site will move on from the version I helped deliver, but you can find the current version at teachcomputing.org.
Ivandoe: the Adventure Game
Launched January 2018
Now BAFTA NOMINATED! I produced this extremely daft but also extremely fun kid’s game for Cartoon Network. Packed with mini games, episodes, collectable items and little character interactions. Hours of fun for kids! A really great project to work on too, and challenging, not least because the huge amount of content had to be localised for 17 countries.
Sharing Nature
May-October 2017

A lovely concept from Wellcome Collection: could they build an online Museum of Modern Nature entirely out of submissions from the public? I took over production on this online and in-gallery project just before it launched and saw it home, managing the final stages of development and launch as well as the social media and moderation.
Empathy Deck

From the brilliant Erica Scourti, this art piece for Wellcome Collection’s Beyond Bedlam exhibition took the form of a bot that attempted to empathise with its twitter audience. Built by the also very brilliant Tom Armitage, it drew on Erica’s own diaries, horoscopes and collated imagery to offer solace to people online.
This was a fairly light touch production role for me, focused on facilitating the work of the artist and technologist and keeping the overall project goals in sight on and track.
More about Empathy Deck from Wellcome Collection
Info Age+

A learning app for the Science Museum to encourage families and schools to engage with the exhibits in the Information Age gallery. Frankly, not all that successful, for a myriad of reasons, not least of which is the age-old failure to promote it, but a useful learning experience nonetheless.
Join Southern Reach (Annihilation)
January 2014

Originally a live brief on a transmedia course, after the presentation of a strong prototype this website was commissioned by 4th Estate to promote Jeff Vandermeer’s Annihilation, now a movie. I came on board to produce this atmospheric and spooky little story with the existing team of writers and technologists.
Buxton Museum apps

Working for Lord Cultural Resources, I produced four pilot mobile tours for Buxton Museum’s Collections in the Landscape project. I had to find a way to create four prototypes that took the museum’s local collections and situated them in Buxton town as well as two sites further afield in the Peak District, and do it for a tiny budget. To find out how I did this, you can read my blog post on the subject.
Alas, the project is no longer live, but it allowed Buxton to test the concept and go on to create a full working version in the next phase.

Artmaps was a research project and collaboration between Tate and Horizon at the University of Nottingham. It was an investigation into mapping Tate’s vast collection and exploring the kind of audience interactions that this could involve. What does it mean for an artwork to be geographically located? Will people be interested in submitting their own locations? What can you do with a collection once it’s been mapped? I was involved in producing this project during my time at Tate as Producer: Interactive Media on maternity cover, along with a trial Drupal-based mobile tour for the collection gallery.
March 2012

One of our hit games at Wellcome Collection, commissioned by us (Danny Birchall and I), produced by me and developed by Preloaded.
Frenetic and punchy game about neuron development. Over 4 million plays and a great response online, players particularly enjoyed finding out which obscure neuron type they had managed to grow at the end.
Science subjects make brilliant games (I’ve written more about this here)
Magic in Modern London
November 2012
What if you could put your exhibition out into the real world? At Wellcome Collection we turned Edward Lovett’s Magic in Modern London, a collection of stories about the amulets he gathered from sellers and citizens around the city, into a geolocated treasure hunt.
“Retrace Lovett’s steps, using evocative audio and images which bring his London to life, as you search for the exact location where each amulet was collected. Retrieve each amulet to unlock its story as told to Lovett, and complete the set to reunite his collection”
High Tea
February 2011

Our Wellcome Collection mega hit, High Tea. Same team as Axon, above, this was our first big foray into online casual games, and it was a doozy. Millions of plays, thousands of comments and many column inches. A proud moment.
Our evaluation caused a stir too, read that here. Headline: over 50% of players were inspired to do their own research into the subject matter after playing.
BBC Spooks Interactive
November 2007

Won a BAFTA for best interactive in 2008, and a Craft BAFTA too. I worked for Hoodlum and then Kudos on this project as content co-ordinator (video and stills production, script continuity etc) and production manager. This huge online game invited players to join the world of Spooks, and help the team. Also PMed the webisodes for Moving Wallpaper/Echo beach for Kudos and developed the concept for the online ARG around Spooks: Code 9.
Play Spooks Interactive (but only if you have an old version of Flash, sorry!)
However, you can watch the promo here, which includes lots of the gameplay.